COVID-19 Info

International Wilderness Leadership School (IWLS) and our partner organizations are committed to the safety of our guests, staff, and the general public.

    • IWLS requires that you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Any COVID-19 vaccine approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) is acceptable. Fully vaccinated means it has been two weeks since your final dose of a vaccine (two weeks from the second dose of a two dose vaccine or two weeks from a single dose vaccine.)
    • Even if fully vaccinated, we may require participants to exercise certain precautions before and while attending the program.
    • IWLS encourages people who are vaccinated for COVID-19 to get a COVID-19 booster when they are eligible.
    • Exemptions for medical reasons or firmly held religious beliefs may be granted, but on some courses, exemptions will not be allowed due to the unique aspects of the course.
    • If someone receives an exemption from IWLS they will need to provide a negative PCR test for COVID-19 taken no more than 4 days before the program start date.

We are happy to assist you with any questions or concerns, but we also highly recommend following updates from Alaska's Department of Health & Social Services (DHSS):

Alaska DHSS COVID Info

Canada Travel Requirements Some programs may involve travel to Canada. If you trip is scheduled to travel into Canada please be sure to familiarize yourself with the latest entry requirements. As of spring 2022 most travelers entering Canada must be fully vaccinated and have negative PCR test results from within a 72 hour timeframe prior to entry.

Traveling to your program with us:

    • Limit exposure in the weeks leading up to your trip
    • Avoid large gatherings
    • Be aware of current COVID outbreaks in your area and avoid unnecessary activities during periods of high transmission/spread.
    • Practice physical (social) distancing
    • Wear a face mask when in public indoor spaces and on public transportation
    • Wash your hands often
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
    • Carry and use sanitizing wipes to clean surfaces you come in contact with
    • Cover coughs and sneezes

Important Considerations
Do not travel to your program with us if you are confirmed as having COVID-19. If you believe you may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 consider scheduling a test prior to travel.

For those who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 as defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), please carefully consider, in conjunction with your healthcare provider, whether to attend programming at this time.

As you make travel plans, please inform yourself and plan for any requirements on your itinerary that may apply (for example, additional COVID-19 testing required by area).


GUIDES & STAFF – Our team will be fully vaccinated for the upcoming season. We will continue to monitor our staff for signs & symptoms of COVID-19 and will implement testing and quarantines as necessary to help prevent the spread of COVID.

HAND WASHING – All trips will have designated hand washing stations. Hand sanitizer will be provided on every program and we expect all guests and staff will wash hands before handling group equipment, participating in meals/cooking, and following trips to the bathroom.

SANITATION – Our staff will be following rigorous guidelines for cleaning and disinfection of our workplaces, vehicles, and company equipment.

SOCIAL DISTANCING – While the great outdoors do offer fresh air and the opportunity to be more socially distant, there may be times where social distancing is not possible (i.e. group carries of heavy equipment such as a kayak). If you are at all concerned about the possibility of being in close proximity to other guests/staff, please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your concerns.

FACE COVERINGS – The use of face coverings will be required when indoors or inside vehicles. Face coverings are not required during outdoor segments of programming when social distancing is possible.

ADDITIONAL REGISTRATION PAPERWORK – In light of the global impact of Novel Coronavirus, IWLS has prepared an additional registration form outlining the inherent risks associated with travel during the pandemic. While we have strived to create an operating plan that greatly reduces the risk of transmission, your decision to travel could result in contracting this viral illness. If you have received and/or completed registration paperwork for your trip (prior to March 2020), we will be reaching out with an additional form specific to the COVID-19 pandemic. This form is intended to spread awareness about the inherent risk and confirm your acknowledgement and understanding of risk involved with a decision to travel during the pandemic.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call, or email our office for assistance.